Class 8 Computer Science

 Fundamental Skill and Knowledge of Computer

Definition: Computer is an electronic device which accepts raw facts and figure as input through input device, process it according to the instruction supplied by the user, stores it and produce a meaningful information as output through output device.

Input: Raw facts and figure which are isolated and uninterpreted i.e. data given for processing.

Input device: Device used to supply data and instruction to the computer for processing. eg, Keyboard, Mouse

Output: Meaningful information obtained after processing.

Output device: Device used to generate the result obtained after processing. Types of output

1. Soft-copy output: Output that cannot be physically touched and resides in the form of electronic media. eg, Monitor, Speaker

2. Hard-copy output: Output that can be physically touched. eg. Printer, Plotter

Processing: The process of converting raw facts and figure into meaningful information.

Storage: It is responsible for storing data and instruction either for short or longer period of time. Depending upon the nature of data stored memory unit are categorized into primary memory and secondary memory. Memory unit of CPU is a primary/main memory where data and instruction are stored temporarily. Where as  the processed data and information can be stored in secondary memory permanently so that user can access information whenever required. There are two types of memory used in our computer system.

   1.  Primary memory/Main memory eg RAM, ROM

   2.  Secondary memory/Auxiliary Memory eg Hard disk, CD, Pen drive

Some characteristics/features of computer.

 The use of computer are increasing day-by-day due to some special features or characteristics that computer own. Several features of computer are:

Accuracy: Computer are the accurate machine that means result produced by computer are 100% accurate. Since, it follows GIGO. The error that may arise in output is due to human not by a computer.

Speed: Computer works on tremendously high speed. The operating speed of computer are measured in  millisecond, microsecond, picosecond and nanosecond.

Storage: It is the area or unit which is capable of storing data and information for present and future use. These days computer comes with high volume of memory which are measured in Megabyte (1024 KB) , Gigabyte (1024 MB), Terabyte(1024 GB) and Petabyte(1024 TB).

Versatility: The implementation of computer are not only limited to specific purpose, they solve general requirement of the user and can be used in more than one type of job.

Diligence: Computer can perform any number of task continuously until it is accomplished. It never get tired like humans

Automatic: Once the instruction is generated it perform accordingly until command is terminated. This is called automatic.

Applications/Implementations/Uses of computer 

    The uses of computer are increased day by day. Every aspect if human life is highly influenced by computer. From simple domestic use to complex engineering and scientific solutions, computer can be used. This is due to the versatility of computer. Some of the basic implementation of computer are:

  • Education: 
  • Communication: 
  • Business:
  • Engineering and designing: 
  • Science and research
  • Military
  • Industry
  • Medicine
  • Robotics
  • Transportation

Capabilities and Limitations of computer (Pros and Cons)

Capabilities/Advantages/Merits/Pros of computer:

  • It can store huge amount of data.
  • It have higher speed and accuracy.
  • It can be used to perform several jobs
  • It provides faster and cheaper way for communication.
  • Computer are used to solve complex and critical situation.

Limitations/Disadvantages/De-merits/Drawback/Cons of computer:

  • It cannot make their decision on their own.
  • It operates on electricity or battery.
  • It can affect human eye, when used for long period of time.
  • It may be not affordable for every one.
  • It cannot think, learn or react as human.
  • It cannot draw conclusion and provide feedback.

Types of computer

Classification of computer: Depending upon the use and advancement of technology computer are categorized in 4 different types:

Classification of computer

Differentiate between analog and digital computers.

Define micro computers. Explain its types in brief.

Micro computers are the smallest and most portable computers present these days. Due to its size, cheap cost and versatility they are used in homes offices and business to perform different types of jobs. Micro computers use micro processor as their major processing units. There are three types of micro computers:

a. Desktop computers: These portable computers are also called personal computers (PC). They are so portable that fix in the desk of the user. They are general purpose computers which can be use to perform several varieties of work. 

b. Laptop computers: They are the most portable micro computer that exist today. They can easily carried from one place to another place easily. Since, they can run on battery also they can be carried to any place of work.

c. Handheld/Palmtop: Handheld/Palmtop or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) are the small battery powered device which can be used a computing device to store address, schedule appointment, take notes or even play games. The handheld devices this days has more functionality and use touch screen technology.


Define MS-Word? Write down its features

MS-Word is a word processing or text editing software developed by Microsoft corporation under MS-Office package. It is use to create, modify, format, store and print text document. MS-Word allows use to customize text document according to their requirement. It allows user to use advance feature use as image, bar, graphs, charts and other.

Feature of MS-Word.

  • Formatting text (Bold, Italic, Underline, font etc)
  • Printing
  • Tables.
  • Columns (Single, Double and Triple)
  • Hyperlink (Linking web page and other documents)
  • Mail merge.
  • Working with charts

Concept of ICT

Define communication.

The process of exchanging message between sender and receiver using desired medium is known as communication. Communication done over longer distance is known as tele-communication. If we exchange data and information between several electronic means and media then it is known as data-communication.

Components/Elements of data communication

  • Sender [Source]
  • Receiver [Destination]
  • Medium [Transmission media]
  • Protocol [Rules through which communication is guided]
  • Data [information to be exchange]

Define ICT. Explain its uses.

ICT stands for Information Communication Technology. Due to advancement in technology, there is a drastic improvement in the way of making communication. People are using modern tools and  technology to perform communication. Hence, the implementation of technology in the field of communication can be considered as ICT. For e.g., use of internet has revolutionized the way people used to make communication which is possible due to ICT.

Uses/Applications/Implementation of ICT

Education: ICT can be use make teaching and learning process effective. We can use modern technologies such as internet, projects to enhance our learning experience.

Business: ICT can be used to buy and sell good and services. Technology like e-commerce can help to flourish business.

Entertainment: ICT has become huge source of entertainment. We can watch movies, listen music and even play videos using ICT to entertain ourself.

Transportation: Modern transport service like trains, aircraft are possible due to ICT. Now a days, it is possible to buy air ticket, train ticket virtually. ICT also have great role in traffic management.

Medicine: ICT can be used to diagnose different critical illness which were impossible back in old days.

Engineering and design: It has become possible to have beautifully crafted design in every sector whether its in cloths, furniture, houses, structure etc.

Computer ethics and cyber law

Define computer ethics/cyber ethics.

It is the moral principal and values that every computer user should follow. Computer ethics generally guides user about what is right and wrong about using computers. It is a set of values that guides computer user to use computer and technology in the welfare of human beings.

Some commandments/provision of cyber ethics.

  • Use computer in the welfare of human being.
  • Never commit crime(cyber crime) by using computer.
  • Do not use other computer without proper authorization.
  • Use computer to assist your education.

Define cyber crime/computer crime? Give some example.

The criminal activity that are done by using modern technology and computers are known as cyber or computer crime. The unethical act committed by using computer is cyber crime. These types of crime are done virtually with out physical presence of human being. Some example of cyber crime are.

  • Hacking/Cracking (Unauthorized access)
  • Piracy (Using data with authorization)
  • Cyber bullying (Internet harassment)
  • Phishing (Stealing data online)
  • Pornography (indulging sexual content)
  • Fake accounts etc

Cyber Space: It is a virtual space connecting several numbers of device and people together using ICT.

Define cyber law? Explain cyber law of Nepal.

Since people may use computer and technology to commit crime. since, there are many online transaction made this days. Hence, The law which govern the cyber space to punish cyber criminal, look after all the legal issues in cyber space including legal online transaction made is known as cyber law. Every country has their own cyber law depending upon the requirement and advancement in technology.

Similarly Nepal also introduce cyber law in Nepal in 2061 BS 30th Bhadra and the name of the law is “Electronic and Digital Signature Act - Ordinance”. Since technology has drastically change over the decades but the law remains the same so, it has failed to address or solve many current issues.


 Define multimedia. Write its importance.

Multimedia  consist of two words “Multi” means many and “Media” means way of expressing information. Hence, multimedia can be defined as the several ways of expressing information using media like text, audio, video, graphics and animation. Its importance are:

  • It enhances the level of understanding.
  • It helps in effective communication
  • It helps to make attractive and engaging contents.

 What the several components/Elements of multimedia?

The several components/elements of multimedia are:

Text: It is one of the common and oldest medium to express information. It consist of alphanumeric characters. For e.g., News paper, books use text to express information. The file extension of text documents are .DOC, .TXT etc. Software like MS-Word, Notepad, Word-pad etc can be used to work with text.

Graphics: It include pictures and images to express information. The smallest unit of picture is PIXEL (Picture Elements). Higher the pixel greater the resolution will be which means quality of picture increases. The file extension of Image file are .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG etc. Software like Adobe photoshop, Corel Draw etc can be used to work with images.

Audio: Audio is the voice signal which can be heard. Audi can be in different form such as speech, music, noise, lecturing etc. The file extension of Image file are .MP3 etc. Software like Windows Media Player, Apple music etc can be used to listen Audio.

Video: Video are the sequence of moving pictures with sound in real time. Normally video are denoted by the Number of frames captured Per Second (FPS). Higher the FPS smoother the video will be. The file extension of Image file are .MP4, .FLV, .MPEG etc. Software like Final cut pro, iMovie, Adobe Premiere  etc can be used to edit video files.

Animation: Animation are the sequence of computer graphics or computerized images that appears to be moving. Nowadays, animations are made with computer-generated imagery (CGI). The file extension of Image file are .FLI, .GIF etc. Software like MAYA animation, Macromedia flash etc can be used to edit video files.

Q) What are the application areas of multimedia?

The application areas of multimedia are:

Education: Multimedia helps to make teaching and learning process much for interesting and effective. Students can learn any topic from any where any time. Distant learning is possible due to use of multimedia components. Tools like Computer Aided Learning (CAL), Computer Based Education (CBE) can be used to learn on any subject. Online trainings can also be conducted using multimedia.

Communication: Nowadays, Due to use of multimedia components people can communicate with each other in real time by exchanging audio and video signal. Using multimedia make our communication faster and secure. Video Conferencing is the best example of use of multimedia in Communication.

Business: Business involves buying and selling goods and services. Nowadays same process of buying and selling goods and services can be done using internet virtually. Thus it is easier and convenient to do business these days using tools of multimedia.

Medicine: Complex surgery and diagnosis can be done by using multimedia tools. X-Ray, CT Scan etc are the high tech technology used in medical sector which also use multimedia. More over research on new disease and medicine can be done effectively using multimedia components.

Introduction to QBASIC

QBASIC stands Quick Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code which is a popular high level language for beginners developed by Microsoft corporation originally developed by Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny. It is very easy to use and understand so, It is popular among students.

Features of QBASIC

  • It use simple English like structure.
  • It has user friendly interface.
  • It automatically checks syntax error.
  • It has wide range keywords.
  • We can use both mouse and keyboard on its interface.
  • It capitalize keyword automatically.

Data types used in QBASIC

Numeric data: It consist of numeric values i.e. numbers 0-9 and its combination. For eg; 45,12,1

String data: It consist of alphanumeric value i.e combination of letters and numbers. For eg; “global” , “pokhara7”

Variables: Those entities which holds either numeric or alphanumeric (string) values and changes its value throughout the time of program execution is called variables. There are two types of variables.

Variables in QBASIC

Numeric variable: Those entities which holds only numeric values and changes its value throughout the time of program execution is called numeric variables.

Eg, age = 17, i =2 , wardno = 12

String variable: Those entities which holds only alphanumeric values and changes its value throughout the time of program execution is called string variables.

Note: String variable should end with ‘$’ sign and its respective value should be enclosed within double quotation “ “.

Example:  school$ = “global”, fname$ = “Krishna” ,  address$ = “Pokhara”

Rules while writing variables name:

  • Variable name should be 1 to 40 character long.
  • Blank space in variable name is not allowed.
        For eg, ward no = 12 (Invalid) , wardno = 12(valid)
        School name$ = “global” (Invalid)
        Schoolname$ = “global” (Valid)
        Any special symbol except $, #, !, %, & symbols are not allowed in variable name.
        Ward*no = 13 (Invalid) ,  ward$no = 14 (invalid)
  • Keyword cannot be used as a variable name.
        Print =3 (Invalid) 
        Cls =8 (Invalid)
        Name =4 (invalid) if, else, while, for
  • 5. Variable name should not start with number.
        123abc = 2 (invalid), abc123 =2 (valid)
        123fname$ = “global” (invalid)
        fname123$ = “global” (valid)

Constant: Those entities which holds either numeric or alphanumeric (string) values and doesn’t changes its value throughout the time of program execution is called constant. There are two types of constant.

Numeric constant: Those entities which holds only numeric values and doesn’t changes its value throughout the time of program execution is called numeric constant.

Eg, age = 17, i =2 , wardno = 12

String constant: Those entities which holds only alphanumeric values and doesn’t changes its value throughout the time of program execution is called string constant.

Note: String variable should end with ‘$’ sign and its respective value should be enclosed within double quotation “ “.

Example:  school$ = “global”, fname$ = “Krishna” ,  address$ = “Pokhara”

Operators: The special sign or symbol that we use in our program to perform some specific functions or operation are known as operators. Types of operators:


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