Final Project
Project Work Questions
Final Project Report
Guidelines for Grade XI Students of Ekta Academy, Damak-04, Jhapa
Computer Science Final Project
Instructions for Project Submission:
1. Each student must purchase a new copybook.2. Write each question and its answer serially in sequence.
3. For programming questions, use A4 papers to create a stack file and solve each program by hand.
4. Include a Table of contains, Acknowledgement and cover page with the project title, student's name, roll number, and academic year.
Note: The cover page, acknowledgement, and table of contents should be printed, while the rest of the project should be handwritten as per the instructions provided above.
Important: Student should submit this project before 4th of Baisakh 2081 BS
Long questions [Each question carries 8 marks]:
- Define the generation of computers. Explain the features of all generations.
- Define a computer. Explain the block diagram of a computer and the different units of a computer.
- Explain any five logic gates with graphical symbols and truth tables.
- Define memory. Explain the different types of memory used in our computer system.
- Define an operating system. Explain the types of operating systems.
- Define a programming language. Explain the different types of programming languages with their pros and cons.
- Define the Internet. Discuss the positive and negative impacts of the Internet on society.
Short questions [Each question carries 5 marks]:
- Define a computer. Explain its features.
- Write down the pros and cons of a computer.
- Differentiate between third and fourth generations of computers.
- Differentiate between analog and digital computers with an example.
- Define micro-computers. Explain its types.
- State and prove De-Morgan’s Theorem.
- Differentiate between primary and secondary memory.
- Differentiate between system and application software.
- Explain the block diagram of a computer.
- Differentiate between CLI and GUI.
- Define an operating system. Explain the functions of an OS.
- Differentiate between system and program flowchart.
- Define a language translator. Explain its types.
- Define a word processor. Explain its features.
- Define cell referencing. Explain the different types of cell referencing.
- Define e-mail. Write down the advantages of e-mail.
- Explain the importance of mobile computing.
- Define HTML. Write the advantages of HTML.
- Define DBMS. Write the advantages of DBMS.
- Write a short note on web browser and open-source software.
Important !! Below Question should be done in A4 Paper and make a file with cover page, acknowledgement page and table of contains and submit it before due date.
Perform the following:
- (110)10 = (?)2, (9876)10 = (?)16
- (101010)2 = (?)10, (BAD)16 = (?)10
- (546)8 = (?)10, (FACE)16 = (?)8
- (654)10 = (?)8, (767)8 = (?)16
Perform the following using 1’s and 2’s complement:
- (10000)2 - (1111)2
- (101011)2 - (110)2
- (11001)2 - (1110)2
- (1100)2 - (111)2
C- Programming Programs
- Define string. Explain any four string handling function used in C. [8]
- Write a C program to check whether given number is divisible by 5 and 7 or not. [5]
- Write a C program to generate Fibonacci series i.e. 0 1 1 2 3 … [5]
- Write a C program to check whether given number is palindrome or not. [5]
- Write a C program to enter salary of 500 employee and find the average salary. [5]
- Write a C program to enter 2X2 matrix and find sum of its elements. [5]
- Write a C program to enter 10 number and find the greatest. [8]
- Write a C program that read two 2X2 matrices and perform matrix addition. [8]
- WAP to ask a number reverse it and print it.
- Write a C program to enter the length, breadth, and height of a box and calculate the total surface area (TSA) [Formula: TSA = 2 * (L * B + B * H + L * H)]
- Write a C program to enter the radius of a circle and print its circumference.
- WAP to calculate product of n-natural number.(factorial number)
- WAP to ask 10 different number and print sum of them using array
- WAP to ask marks of 6 different subject and print total and percentage them using array.
- WAP to ask a number and check prime or composite.
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