Final Project Report for grade XII
Project Work Questions
Final Project Report
Guidelines for Grade XII
Students of Ekta Academy, Damak-04, Jhapa
Computer Science Final
Instructions for Project Submission:
1. Each student must purchase a new copybook.2. Write each question and its answer serially in sequence.
3. For programming questions, use A4 papers to create a stack file and solve each program by hand.
4. Include a Table of contains, Acknowledgement and cover page with the project title, student's name, roll number, and academic year.
Note: The cover page, acknowledgement, and table of contents should be printed, while the rest of the project should be handwritten as per the instructions provided above.
Important: Student should submit this project before 20 Chaitra 2080 BS
Unit-1: Database Management System (DBMS)
1. Define data,
information, Database and DBMS. List out the advantages and
disadvantages of DBMS.
2. Explain the different
models of DBMS.
3. Differentiate between
centralized and distributed database system.
4. What is normalization?
Explain normalization process with examples.
5. Write Short notes on
the following.
a) Data Dictionary
b) Keys is DBMS (Primary,
Alternate, Candidate etc.)
c) SQL
d) Data Security
Unit-2: Data communication and Networking
1. What is Computer
Network? Explain advantages and disadvantages of computer network.
2. What do you mean by
network topology? Explain the different types of network topologies.
3. Differentiate between
LAN and WAN.
4. Define network
architecture. Differentiate between client server and peer to peer networks.
5. What do you mean by
transmission media? Explain the different types of transmission media used in
computer network?
6. What do you mean by
OSI reference model? Explain the different layers of OSI reference model.
Unit-3: Web Technology II
1. What is JavaScript?
Write its features.
2. Differentiate between
client-side scripting and Server-side scripting.
3. Explain event handling
in JavaScript with examples.
4. What is JavaScript
function? Explain with calling function examples.
5. What is jQuery? Write
its features.
6. What is PHP? Write the
advantages of PHP.
7. Explain the different
operators used in PHP.
Unit-4: Programming in C
1. What is functions?
Explain different types of functions.
2. Define pointer with
3. Differentiate between
Call by value and Call by reference with examples.
4. Differentiate between
array and structure.
5. Differentiate between
structure and Union with examples.
6. What is file handling
concept in C? Explain any five file handling functions.
7. Differentiate between
array and pointer.
Unit-5: Object Oriented Programming
1) What is OOP? Write its
advantages and disadvantages of using OOP?
2) Explain the features
of OOP. List out the applications of OOP.
3) Difference between OOP
and Structured Programming Language.
Unit-6: Software Process Model (SPM)
1. What is SPM? Explain
the phases of the Software Development Process in brief.
2. Why SDLC is important
in System Development?
3. What are the popular
SDLC models? Explain with merits and demerits.
4. What do you mean by
feasibility study? Explain different feasibility study.
5. What are the different
tools used in System Design? Describe each of them with
suitable example.
6. Explain about
different testing techniques during the system development.
7. Differentiate between
System analyst and software engineer.
Unit-7: Recent Trends in Technology
1) What do you mean by
AI? How does it affect modern society?
2) Explain the concept of
Big Data and Its types.
3) What is E-commerce?
Write down its advantages.
4) What is mobile
computing? Write its features.
5) Define the following
a) M-commerce
b) Robotics
c) E- Learning
d) Virtual Reality
e) Social Media
f) IOT
g) E-governance
h) Cloud Computing.
JavaScript and PHP Programs
1. Write a program to
JavaScript that illustrate event handling.
2. Write a JavaScript to
display 1 to 10 using for loop, while loop, and do-while loop.
3. Write a JavaScript
program to calculate the factorial of a given number.
4. Write a JavaScript
program to input three numbers and find the largest one.
5. Write a program to
input any three numbers and find the average in JavaScript.
6. Write a program to
find area and circumferences of circle in JavaScript.
7. Write a program to
display all even number from 1 to 100 in JavaScript.
8. Write a program to sum
of two number using function.
9. Write a program to
input any number and find its reverse order in JavaScript.
10. Write a program to
display the Fibonacci series. 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 ……n in JavaScript.
11. Design a form with
username, address, e-mail, password, and submit button.
Validated the form using
13. Write a PHP program
to check if a string is a palindrome or not.
14. Write a PHP code to
enter any two number and display their sum, difference and
15. Write a PHP code to
find out area and perimeter of rectangle.
16. Create a registration
form including Name, Address, Phone No., email address,
Qualification, Gender and
Country and get the values entered by user using post
method and display.
17. Write a program in
PHP to display all the even numbers from 1 to 100.
18. Write a program in
PHP to input a number and check it is odd and even.
19. Write a program in
PHP to display the multiplication table of a number.
20. Write a program in
PHP to input a number and find its Armstrong or not.
21. Write a program in PHP to find the factors of
an input a number.
C programming Program
1. Write a program to
input any three numbers and find out which one is the largest
number using user defined
2. Write a program to
display the day using the switch statement depending upon the
number entered. i.e.
input 1 for Sunday, 7 for Saturday using user defined function.
3. Write a program to
input a number and check whether it is prime or not using function.
4. Write a program to
display the sum of even and odd numbers from 1 to 50.
5. Write a program to
accept the age of 10 different employees and count the number of employees.
a. Whose age is more than
or equal to 60
b. Whose age is less than
6. Write a program to
enter elements for 3x3 matrixes and Display its sum.
7. Write a program to
accept 10 different numbers in an array and sort them in descending order.
8. Write a program to
input a number and find out whether that number is
palindrome or not using
9. Write a program to
input the names of N numbers of students and sort them in
alphabetical order.
10. Write a program to
read a number and make the sum of individual digits and print
using the recursion
11. Write a program that
reads different names and address into the computer and
rearrange the names into
alphabetical order using the structure variables.
12. Write a program to
read N students' records store them in the data file and display
the content inappropriate
format by using the fprintf and fscanf function.
13. Write a program to
calculate the factorial of given number using recursive
14. Write a program to
input radius of circle and find area and circumference of circle.
15. Write a program to
input any two number and find HCF and LCM using function.
16. Write a program to
store employee id, name and salary of 100 employee. The
program should them
display the record of employee in appropriate format whose
salary is greater than
50,000 using structure.
17. Write a program to
display the greatest number among three numbers using
18. Write a program to
store Roll number, Name and class of 50 students in a file
19. Write a program to
input any 10 number in array and find the largest number
using among them.
20. Write a program to
keep the record of students and calculate total and percentage
and display all records.
21. Write a program to
read the marks of any 5 students in a subject and count how
many students are pass or
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