Question Set XI

 SET- 1

Subject Code: 4271
Pre-Board Exam-2080 (2023) HISSAN JHAPA
Grade-XI - Computer Science
Full Marks: 50 | Pass Marks: 20 |

Group "A"

1. Which one of the following is an input device?

   = a) speaker    b) printer             c) monitor          d) mouse

2. Which of the following is NOT a bus type?

   = a) Address bus    b) Data bus    c) Memory bus    d) Control bus

3. 1's complement of 1001 is.......................

   = a) 0011    b) 0110    c) 0111    d) 1010

4. A computer cannot "boot" if it does not have:

   = a) Assembler    b) Operating system    c) Compiler    d) Loader

5. Which operator is used to start for entering the formula in Excel cell?

   = a) $               b) @                    c) =                     d) +

6. Which looping process checks the test condition at the end of the loop?

   = a) for    b) while    c) do-while    d) Nested loop

7. How to insert an image in a web page using HTML tag?

  = a. <img...>      b. <img source...>           c. <img src=....>               d. <img href=.....>

8. Which image format is best used for photographs and offers a small file size?

   = a) PNG    b) GIF    c) BMP    d) JPEG

9. Which is not a malware?

   = a) Malware    b) Spyware    c) Adware    d) Encryption

Group 'B'

  1. Differentiate between primary memory and secondary memory.


 Subtract 101010 from 111001 using 1's and 2's complement.

  1. What are the functions of the operating system? Mention them and explain any five.
  2. What is HTML? Write HTML code for the given table.

Student’s Information














  1. Differentiate between do-while loop and while loop with examples.
  2. What is a digital signature? Explain its working mechanism with a figure.

Group 'C'

  1. Explain components of a computer system with a block diagram.


Write a program to input the elements of two 3 x 3 matrices, find the sum of them, and prints the result properly using an array.

  1. Draw and explain NAND, NOR, OR, and XNOR gates with a truth table, logic gates, and Venn diagram.
                                                                        Good Luck


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