
Final Project XII Computer Science

   EKTA ACADEMY   Project Work Questions Final Project Report Guidelines for Grade XII Students of Ekta Academy, Damak-04, Jhapa Computer Science Final Project Instructions for Project Submission: 1. Each student must purchase a new copybook. 2. Write each question and its answer serially in sequence. 3. For programming questions, use A4 papers to create a stack file and solve each program by hand. 4. Include a Table of contains, Acknowledgement  and cover page with the project title, student's name, roll number, and academic year. Note: The cover page, acknowledgement, and table of contents should be printed, while the rest of the project should be handwritten as per the instructions provided above. Important:  Student should submit this project before 10 Chaitra 2081 BS Unit-1: Database Management System (DBMS) Define the following terms: Data Information Database DBMS List the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS. Explain the following database models with ex...

Chapter 4 Programming In C

CONCEPT OF RECURSION: FACTORIAL AND FIBONACCI PROBLEMS  • Recursion is the process of calling a function repeatedly itself until some specified condition has  been satisfied.  • When you use the recursion function in a program, you need to define an exit condition,  otherwise, it will go into an infinite loop.  • Recursive functions are very useful to solve many mathematical problems like calculating the  factorial of a number, generating the Fibonacci series, etc. Pointer (v-imp) Pointers in C are similar to as other variables that we use to hold the data in our program but, instead of containing actual data, they contain a pointer to the address (memory location) where the data or information can be found. These is an important and advance concept of C language since, variables names are not sufficient to provide the requirement of user while developing a complex program. However, use of pointers help to access memory address of that entities globally to ...